So it's 2016 and like most goal setting people, the beginning of the new year means a bunch of goals and resolutions. Over the years, my resolutions have changed and I'll be the first to admit that sometimes I shoot a little higher than what realistically I can change in a year.
So this year, I made a list (lists are my go-to). A list of things/activities/skills I'd like to hold myself accountable to. In many ways, these are things I already do. But, they are things I could do better or more regularly. In true Hailley fashion, I've outfitted my list with hyperlinks and gifs. No one should be surprised.
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This was easiest my most challenging and stressful semester. BUT, I definitely think it was my best semester yet.
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For me, this year feels all about putting theory into practice. What I love about grad school (especially this semester) is all the theory I have floating around in my head. I'm constantly challenged and questioned and encouraged. I read every reading because I just never know when a reading will be "the one" aka when things click and my brain whirls around a bit faster.
And then there's practice. So often we make this divide between those who deal with theory and those who are in the field, practicing. Both experiences are important and when you have a balance of both, they inform each other. Making you a better person and for me, a better librarian.
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And I'll be the first to admit, I have a ton of energy. Maybe not right now (trying to get all this sleeping in) but usually. Even usually when I'm dead tired, I find a way to get #jazzed (the common catchphrase of mine at the moment).
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