Another first day of school

As we introduced ourselves in my memory class on Monday morning, our professor asked us to share a memory. I instantly thought of the first day of school (so fitting). I thought about taking pictures on my front stoop and then standing on the first step of the school bus, looking back at my mom and dad snapping a photo. 

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These are a few of my favorite things: to-do lists

There's one week until school starts and I am already a little overwhelmed. 

But I brought this upon myself so I shouldn't complain...too much. 

However, I do have something that keeps me in line: to-do lists. They are INCREDIBLE. You can find my to-do lists scattered across my apartment, hung up on my walls (especially the super successful ones), and in whatever bag I am carrying around with me that day. 

The to-do list front and center (and it even has things checked off).

The to-do list front and center (and it even has things checked off).

I'm usually a write a giant list (complete with easy ones, like clean dishes, take a shower, send an email) to keep the momentum going. There's something so incredibly satisfactory about crossing something off a list. In times of dire stress, I will sometimes do the reserve to-do list, which turns into a "I accomplished this thing" list, which is helpful when you have so much to do, it's overwhelming to write it all down in one fell swoop. 

The funny thing is that I rarely finish a to-do list. By the time I'm down to the bottom scraps of a list, I've already begun a new one, bringing over the old stuff I hadn't gotten to yet. A never-ending cycle of things to keep me busy.

Honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way.

And with that, I cross another thing off my current list.  

Why I Chose GSLIS

The past four years I've spent my time explaining to hundreds of prospective students and their families why I chose Coe College. It's a story I love to tell and my experiences there continue to impact my daily life in Illinois. However, as time removes me from Coe and instead grounds me here at GSLIS (Graduate School of Library and Information Science), I figured a post was in order about why I am here. 

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