For me, this year feels all about putting theory into practice. What I love about grad school (especially this semester) is all the theory I have floating around in my head. I'm constantly challenged and questioned and encouraged. I read every reading because I just never know when a reading will be "the one" aka when things click and my brain whirls around a bit faster.
And then there's practice. So often we make this divide between those who deal with theory and those who are in the field, practicing. Both experiences are important and when you have a balance of both, they inform each other. Making you a better person and for me, a better librarian.
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Summer feels like it is over since I started training yesterday for my new assistantship this fall. As I mentioned in a previous post, I started working in the Residence Hall Library this summer. But yesterday, my formal official supervisor training started.
I. Am. So. Excited.
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It's been a week since Camp Clover and today is the first chance I've had to sit down and really write about the camp. There's so much to say, so many stories to tell, and so much learned. I'll try to condense a week's worth of experiences into five lessons learned, YouTube links, and lots of great photos.
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This summer has been one of my busiest summers to date! I always thought I was busy at Coe (my undergrad) with a job in Admissions and then helping a professor get ready for the first-years to come (aka readying the First-Year Experience program) but I guess that helped me be ready for a summer in Illinois..
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