Summer 2k15 -- Jobs Report

This summer has been one of my busiest summers to date! I always thought I was busy at Coe (my undergrad) with a job in Admissions and then helping a professor get ready for the first-years to come (aka readying the First-Year Experience program) but I guess that helped me be ready for a summer in Illinois..

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Life photos

Summer is #FLYING by. Is it really July?!?! There never seems to be enough time to read all the books on the bookshelf, read all the articles that have been printed, and spend time in the sun by the pool. Here's a quick peak at my summer so far, from whatever photos I have taken on my phone. Enjoy! 

Tweets from ALA

So while I can't be at ALA, meeting librarians, and talking about library science, I can follow them on Twitter. Here's a snapshot at some of my favorite tweets I've found. This is just a slice, I know there are many more good tweets floating on the Twittersphere!