[SPECIAL EVENT]: Feminist Pedagogy for Library Instruction

It's been a couple of weeks since my Library Instruction class Skyped with academic librarian Maria T. Accardi. I'm still fangirling and continuing to think about how the work I do is inherently feminist. Maria wrote Feminist Pedagogy for Library Instruction, which for those faithful blog readers, will know that I read this book this summer. So it was nice to reread the book this fall and to have Maria speak to us about the ideas in the book and hear about her own practice of librarianship.  

I've put together some of the tweets from that day, which I'll interweave with some of the main ideas of feminist pedagogy in librarian instruction.  

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Tweets from ALA

So while I can't be at ALA, meeting librarians, and talking about library science, I can follow them on Twitter. Here's a snapshot at some of my favorite tweets I've found. This is just a slice, I know there are many more good tweets floating on the Twittersphere! 

Tweeting in Library Land

So I love Twitter. A lot. And this week I've had the opportunity to use it. In my (humble) opinion, my Twitter game has been ON POINT. All this tweeting has reminded me why I love Twitter and the ways in which you can use it to do all sorts of things. See how my dreams of having an excuse to go all out on Twitter this week turned out...

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