Revising old advice: dealing with change

Things don’t always go as you planned. For example, you get moved into a cubicle, the conference proposal you submitted didn’t get accepted, you bike to work and then Mother Nature decides to rain, a first date goes better than you expected, you end up having a complicated relationship with Mother’s Day, or the TV show you love gets canceled (only to be picked up by another network).

Change happens, no matter if you’re ready for it or not.

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Advice and Reflections a Year Out of Undergrad

Now I'm not claiming to be an expert in being an adult. Far from it. There is no handbook for being an adult and if there was, I certainly wouldn't be asked to write it. However, after my first year in graduate school, I see things differently. I've grown and consider myself more of an adult than I did a year ago. Here's my advice: take it, leave it, or revise it.  


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