Five Things I've Learned from Camp Clover [Recap]

It's been a week since Camp Clover and today is the first chance I've had to sit down and really write about the camp. There's so much to say, so many stories to tell, and so much learned. I'll try to condense a week's worth of experiences into five lessons learned, YouTube links, and lots of great photos.  

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Hyperlink Roundup -- July 31st

A long overdue post which essentially is a collection of the many tabs I had open in Safari. I decided to take a break from paper writing to clean things up a bit. Volia! Hyperlink roundup.

To begin...a video! Introducing Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library parody to "Shake It Off." Also, see how many Taylor Swift references you can catch. 

  • An article talking about a scholarship I received through the department and one I'm very grateful for. 
  • I blog for YALSA and was directed the other day to the YALSA Hub and found an article on YA feminist literature. I haven't been reading a ton of YA books lately, but these sounds interesting and might have to move to the top of my list! 
  • An interesting commentary by Naomi Wolf from The Guardian on vocal fry. I had been hearing about it more recently since one of my favorite podcasters, Anne Friedman, has been criticized for it. When I think about how I talk, I think about my voice in two ways -- the way I use it in a workplace and how I use it with friends. I picture giving a tour for Admissions a year ago and how that voice is distinct from the voice I use when I'm hanging out. It's almost like flipping a switch, the voice becomes more poised, confident, articulate, and steady.  
  • A little behind the eight ball on this article but found it as I was attempting to clean up the numbers of tabs I have open. It's from the Slate on why arts should be included in STEM curriculum (making it STEAM). The author, Stephanie E. Vasko, talks about how we often group crafting into a "low tech" category and 3D printing in "high tech." This not only creates a divide that shouldn't be there, but it also reinforces the implication that white males use 3D printers and everyone else can just craft. Not. True.  
  • I've been listening to some STAND OUT podcasts recently. First up, Anna Sale on Death, Sex, and Money. Her most recent podcast with Joy Williams (from the Civil Wars) is quite moving. Also, I couldn't get over how fantastic her live podcast/performance was at BAM in Brooklyn. I was especially in awe of Tracey K. Smith. She read some beautiful poetry and her story resonated so much with me, I immediately checked out her memoir (reading now). 
  • Again, this Tiny Desk Concert happened at the beginning of June, but I can't get Genevieve's song "Colors" out of my head. This video recording is awesome, especially Genevieve's outfit. Not something I could pull off but she does it so well. 

Then, a video to end. This is a pretty hilarious video, especially since they really play up all the librarian stereotypes we have heard over the years. Enjoy (and hope you chuckle as much as I did)

iMovie: some tears [might] be required

Day three of camp went by way too quickly. It was another day of rearranging the schedule but feeling confident in our ability to change and adapt. 

We finally started working on their iMovie projects. Essentially, every kid has interviewed someone they know in their community. They recorded this interview using the app, Recorder. From that interview, they'll take a couple of sound bites, bring them into iMovie, and add photos and videos on top of the audio for a multi-media clip. At the end of the week, we'll combine all these clips together for a mega movie. 

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