“Ms. Hailley, Ms. Hailley!” Summer at UNCC

I walked into the center last week to be greeted by this now 8th grader: 

“Hey stranger.”  

His greeting contained a hint of sarcasm with a hint of truth. I hadn’t been back to the Urbana Neighborhood Connections Center (UNCC) for a string of days since May. I had visited the center twice before the current visit but his greeting stung a little. I missed the center (and the kids) like crazy but have two other summer campus jobs right now. Sometimes I have a hard time keeping everything straight. 

So then why am I willingly at the center, ready to teach a series of weekly classes on Monday afternoons until the end of July? 

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Tweets from ALA

So while I can't be at ALA, meeting librarians, and talking about library science, I can follow them on Twitter. Here's a snapshot at some of my favorite tweets I've found. This is just a slice, I know there are many more good tweets floating on the Twittersphere! 

Tweeting in Library Land

So I love Twitter. A lot. And this week I've had the opportunity to use it. In my (humble) opinion, my Twitter game has been ON POINT. All this tweeting has reminded me why I love Twitter and the ways in which you can use it to do all sorts of things. See how my dreams of having an excuse to go all out on Twitter this week turned out...

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