Lack of sleep and abundance of work has kept me busy. My Diigo has lots of links (many which I want to share) but haven't had quite the time I needed to write about them into a blog post. Here's a sample from the past week.
- Death Cab for Cutie was over at NPR's Tiny Desk and KILLED it. Such a good recording, definitely take a look. I was having trouble embedding the video (super weird) so you'll have to bop on over to NPR to take a listen.
- Stumbled on this video of Edward Snowden and John Oliver talking about passwords. This is such a great video because Oliver plays it so serious: "So how's passwerd? It's password but spelled wrong." Snowden's face is #priceless. This might be a great video to show to teens when discussing digital literacy around passwords and privacy. I need to watch the rest of this interview.
- I went to a really engaging and thought-provoking symposium on LIS education this past weekend (shout out to the fellow GSLISers who organized it). The Saturday morning panel was three Hack Library School bloggers who had so many great things to say. They covered all sorts of topics, from student engagement, to learning theory (you'll learn all the skills you need in your job), to know what you big goal is, which helps guide your daily work. These conversations are ones I've been having recently so it's great to see and hear it in a larger forum.