Another week, another set of links. Lots of videos this time around!
- We were talking about digital remixing and copyright issues. An example brought forth was the Lisztomania song put over the Breakfast Club dance scene. The video is GREAT and if you get REAL ambitious (slash want to hear that song a million times, there is also a Brooklyn Remix or the group of friends from San Francisco
- Big tent librarianship and how it relates to library school. This idea was brought up during the Symposium on LIS Education (see #LISed15 on Twitter for a snapshot of the weekend). I liked these two articles because I think the guiding ideas of big tent librarianship are some of my guiding principles. Worth taking a look.
- Also at this symposium, we talked about the iSchool at Syracuse and how the MLIS created FiTS, a program where graduate students could teach their peers something they are passionate about. The purpose is to fill those gaps that we miss in our library science curriculum. It's a really interesting concept and I'm still trying to wrap my head around how that might look at GSLIS if students wanted something like that.
- Worked on a presentation on anonymity on the web and how teens think about this topic. We looked at Yik Yak and this promotional video above is FASCINATING. Lots of interesting stereotypes are brought up and as a company, they really have a brand created.
- Also watched a lot of videos about Roblox this week. I helped the kids I worked with do some work in Roblox Studio during their day off. This video talks about building a bridge. I had several problems with this video, including the guy going way too fast (I'm not that good at Studio and some of the controls are not easy to figure out). Also the point of the video was not only to build a bridge, but to DESTROY it. What? Sometimes confused by the constant need to destroy.