On Saturday, I set out on a mission: see as much of Rome as I could in a day. I left my hotel at 8 AM, headed for the metro/subway/public transportation. It was a painless process and my subway legs were more than ready to return.
I had a general route in mind -- take the subway as far to the north/west that I could (placing me near the Vatican) and then walk all the way from there back to my hotel (and hit every major Roman landmark I could along the way).
10 hours, 16.45 miles, and some 33,000ish steps later, I was back "home." First, places I saw:
- Vatican City: St. Peter's Square, the outside of St. Peter's Basilica, & their post office (hehe). Oh and a GAZILLION selfie sticks (more on that later)
- Castel Sant'Angelo (a small park is around the castle and it apparently is a well liked dog park [for both humans and their dogs])
- Piazza del Popolo, the Pincio, and the Rome equivalent of Central Park. Many, many, many casual joggers, a cart of small ponies, motorized bikes for tourists, Roman trees, a beautiful little pond with Greek statues, & my 10 AM gelato break (yes that's a real thing...well I made it up but it's legit)
- Strolled down Via del Corso, aka the Champs Elysee of Rome. So many shops, including more Zara's in one stretch of city than I have ever witnessed before. Also seen: a just married couple where the man was wearing a suit made of completely leather. In love.
- Trevi Fountain: I failed to have my Lizzie McGuire movie parallel (if you haven't seen that movie then clearly you're missing out on what fifth grade Hailley adored). Lots of people, hard to even make it down to the main part of the fountain. Left quickly (sorry Trevi Fountain lovers).
- Time for another gelato break, this time at a famous shop, Giolitti. It was established in the 1900s and is still family run today. It was delicious.
- Pantheon. Went inside, looked up. It was cool.
- Sant Eustachio Il Caffe. I was told to visit by a co-worker and boy, was I glad I did. Delicious espresso, especially when placed in my cappuccino! Other than a woman taking my cup of cappuccino, it was an excellent experience!
- The Roman Forum and Colosseum. And everything else that exists in that space (because there is a lot).

Things I learned (or was reminded of during my wandering):
- It's not weird to pay for your food up front, take your receipt to another counter, and have the people make your order.
- Paying for pizza by weight is GLORIOUS.
- Lack of Italian is really unfortunate.
All in all, what an excellent time in Rome. I definitely need to go back to explore more but I think I made a pretty good start.