Another week, another set of links. Update on my link problem (aka far too many tabs open for one computer and one gal to handle). I have less! Far less! Be proud :)
- Over at the Hack Library School, myself and GSLIS peer, Brenna, wrote a post with our opinions on the potential name change our department is considering.
- I did some article hunting regarding Banned Books Week for the clerks I supervise. I got fancy and created a PDF with all these links.
- The Republican race for President got a little more interesting and the Strand bookstore in NYC put their foot in the political door (I also have a good friend who works here and I love that she's gaining all this publicity because she's great).
- With fall TV shows premiering, it was exciting to read some of the first rounds of cultural criticism (and optimism for this season). Aka why Empire is important and TV's take on diversity.
Not my most in-depth roundup, but hopefully this weekend as I dig into homework, some good links will appear for next week.