Graduate Teaching and Instruction
Throughout my time in graduate school, I found opportunities to teach a wide range of learners. My focus has been digital literacy and these workshops have varied both in skills taught and learned and in terms of the audience I was working with. Below you'll find a sample of these instruction sessions, which have been created by myself and sometimes another peer.
Created lesson plan for K-2 or 3-5 viewing short films with no dialogue and discussing the storyline (and story elements) along with film production. This activity requires students to look beyond the story itself and see how the way the film was made contributes to their understanding of the film. Used at the Urbana Neighborhood Connections Center during a school-out day.
During the summer of 2015, helped to design and lead a week-long camp to children aged 8-12. The focus of the camp was to strengthen community ties through digital literacy and digital media production. This instructional design overview covers what we did during the week to teach these children.
A short workshop for the University of Illinois' multicultural advocates. The goal of this workshop was to show that different search engines yield different results.
Learning Outcomes 101 was a workshop given to University of Illinois resident assistants (RAs). During the workshop RAs learned what learning outcomes were and had a chance to write some themselves. The button to the left is the handout each RA received for future use.
During the summer of 2016, Hailley created a six week digital literacy program for the students at the Urbana Neighborhood Connections Center (UNCC). This program was designed with this particular community in mind and tried to showcase new technology and skills to the students, while also staying true to the technology they loved working with (mainly Roblox).