A quick recap on my second and third days at ALA Midwinter.
Read moreALA Midwinter: Day 1 Recap
I'm writing this blog post from warm Atlanta, Georgia. It's suppose to rain but hey, it's not freezing rain so I really can't complain. I'm in Atlanta for the American Library Association's Midwinter conference. This year, they chose a warm location (unlike Boston last year and Chicago the year before). It's a smaller conference than the well known (and massive) Annual conference that happens in June. However, I had a pretty good case to attend this year's Midwinter so volia...here I am. I've always found professional conferences to be refreshing and re-energizing so I'm happy to have the opportunity to participate this year.
Read moreBalancing the pace of change with patience
Waiting for change can sometimes feel like you're climbing a pair of stairs that just never ends...
Read moreThe five day streak
I just completed my first "new normal" week of working. This position requires a shifted schedule, coming in on Sundays and having Friday and Saturday as my weekend. It's not a bad gig, and I find the days go by much faster than a normal 8-5 sort of schedule (but it's all relative you know).
It is an adjustment to begin work around 1 PM...
Read moreThe Pitch
Today not only marks my move to my "normal," Sunday-Thursday hours at the library, but also the start of my eighth week at Penn State. In some ways, it has felt like I've been at Penn State for a lot longer than eight weeks and other times it still feels so new and fresh. I'm happy at this job, which is really all I can ask for.
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